Enrollment Packet Policies

Tech Trep Academy program details:

Parents/students agree to all terms and conditions posted on this website as well as the detailed policies posted below and as found in Parent Link.  All program requirements may change without prior notice. Except on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or age, we reserve the right to be selective of the students who participate in our specialized program for academically-accelerated students.  All changes will be communicated to parents through Announcements in Parent Link.  


Open Choice Enrollment

Parent understands that the student is requesting a school choice opportunity and is attending a school that may or may not be in the local boundary school / district of residence.  


Reporting Race and Ethnicity:

Parent understands that the school is required to report student Race / Ethnicity for all students. By marking “Undeclared”, parent understands that school personnel will do their best to determine/report the child’s race.  



The family educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. §1232g, 34 CFR Part 99) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. Parents of children under the age of 18, and students aged 18 and older, have the following rights:
• To inspect and review student education records.
• To request the records be corrected, if believed to be inaccurate or misleading.

If the Administration of Idaho Home Learning Academy determines to not amend the record, the parent or student aged 18 or older has the right to a hearing.

Idaho Home Learning Academy may disclose without consent certain directory information such as a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and date of attendance. A parent/guardian of a student under the age of 18 and a student aged 18 or older may request that this information not be disclosed. If this is your choice, please contact the administrative office of Idaho Home Learning Academy within thirty (30) days of the date of acceptance into the program.

Generally, Idaho Home Learning Academy will require written permission from the parent/guardian of student under the age of 18 or a student aged 18 or older to release information from a student’s education record. There are exceptions to this general rule, as the Act allows information to be released under the following circumstances:
• to school officials with legitimate educational interests;
• to other schools to which a student is transferring;
• to specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
• to appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
• to organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
• to accrediting organizations;
• to comply with judicial order or lawfully ordered subpoenas;
• to appropriate officials in case of health and safety emergencies; and
• to state and local authorities with any juvenile justice system, pursuant to Idaho Law.


Accommodations for students with disabilities:

In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (“504”) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), schools will provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individual with disabilities. Students, parents or employees needing accommodations should contact their school ADA/504 Coordinator. In compliance with the Equal Educational Opportunity Act of 1974 and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it is also typical public policy to provide alternative language services to limited English Proficient (LEP) students so that students with language barriers have a meaningful opportunity to participate in different educational programs. Other provides may be used for English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction and other effective services to students who are identified as LEP by means of a thorough evaluation process. Parents or guardians who want to request alternative language services for their child should contact the school directly. 


Equal Educational and Employment Opportunity:

It is public policy to provide equal educational and employment opportunity for all individuals prohibiting all discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, or veteran’s status. This policy extends to all aspects of all programs.  


Civil Rights Grievance Procedure:

Complaints of discrimination should be filed with the individual’s principal or supervisor and/or with the school Compliance Officer/EEO Coordinator according to the provisions of the School Civil Rights Grievance Procedure. Complaints of discrimination should be reported as soon as possible, but no later than 90 days after the incident(s) in order to be effectively investigated and resolved.  


Consent / Release for Media:

Upon participating in the program, parent authorizes Idaho Home Learning Academy and Tech Trep Academy to use a photo / video of my child and releases all claim of the media for the following purposes:
1. Visual Assessment of Student’s progress
2. Documentation of attainment of skills / behaviors as a result of being in IHLA’s Tech Trep program
3. Advertisement of school and school programs.
4. Media coverage featuring students is considered “human interest” or “good news” stories that are not controversial in nature or contain sensitive subject matter.
5. Training purposes for the development of skills for IHLA and program staff only.

Email support <@> techtrepacademy.com to opt-out of this media consent.


Permission to request a transfer of records from prior school (see sample letter):

{Student Name} has enrolled in Idaho Home Learning Academy. Your school has been identified as the student’s last school of attendance. In accordance with procedures and requirements set forth in Idaho Code, which govern the transfer of student records upon student transfer, we request that a certified copy of this student’s records, including the CUM file, transcript, discipline, state testing information, IEP and associated testing as well as 504 plan, be sent to us at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your cooperation on behalf of maintaining the most appropriate educational services for all students.


Student Technology Acceptable Use Policy:

Regarding acceptable use of technology and the internet, parents will ensure their students comply with the guidelines set forth by the school board here. You understand that any violation of this policy will result in being subject to the penalties set forth in the policy as well as additional penalties that may be enforced by the teacher, school administrator, and/or the school board.  Furthermore, you understand that violations which constitute criminal conduct will be referred to appropriate law enforcement agencies.  You agree to this policy and confirm that you have informed your student of this policy, too.


Informed Consent Form:

School provides a School Counselor to aid in the education plans and achievement of graduation goals of your student. There may be times a student shares information with the counselor, teacher, or support staff which the student wishes to be kept confidential. Students have the right to confidentiality unless the information shared communicates a risk of harm to self or others. You hereby acknowledge that you are the legal guardian of the minor child, and do consent to the provision of counseling services by the school guidance counselor. You understand that while counseling is generally confidential, where there is risk of harm to self or others child abuse, or other legal requirements, the counselor may be required to release information to protect clients or others. You understand that in order to provide service in accord with the highest ethical and legal guidelines and to insure the highest quality of service, the above information complies with state law, federal privacy acts, and professional ethical standards.


Honesty Policy:

As a student at Idaho Home Learning Academy, you are expected to not participate in cheating, stealing answers, plagiarizing, or academic dishonesty in any form, including inappropriate use or misuse of the computer network and Internet. Students must sign this contract before attending any class / program at IHLA.
The following forms of cheating, stealing answers, plagiarizing, or academic dishonesty in any form, including inappropriate use or misuse of the computer network and Internet are not allowed at IHLA:
 Copying another student’s work and/or allowing your work to be copied
 Allowing someone other than yourself to submit work in your name
 Using unauthorized assistance and/or allowing someone else to take an assessment
 Submitting the same work for more than one class without prior written approval from the teacher
 Using copyrighted material without appropriate citation
 Purposefully damaging another student’s work to impede academic progress
 Dishonesty towards a teacher or parent. For example, saying an assignment has been completed when it’s not and/or lying about grades

Violating the Honesty Policy at IHLA will result in at least one of the following consequences:
1. A grade of zero on the assignment
2. Face to face meeting with IHLA staff
3. Loss of course credit and/or a failing grade in that class

By enrolling in IHLA I understand that I attend an online school that is unsupervised during some of my class time. I agree to follow the rules of each of my assigned online classes that include these guidelines:
 Complete all assignments for each class
 Submit my own work free of plagiarism
 Use my computer for school work only and not misuse the Internet
 Communicate with my teacher regarding questions or concerns about the Honesty Policy and/or class material.
By participating in the specialized program through IHLA, student agrees not to engage in any form of dishonest conduct.


Parent responsible and liable for student safety and supervision:

Due to the nature a personalized distance education program, the parent assumes all responsibility and liability for the safety and supervision of their child.  Parent waives all liability claims and holds Tech Trep Academy, My Tech High, and the school of enrollment harmless as detailed below.

As a parent, I agree to hold harmless and to indemnify Tech Trep Academy, My Tech High, Idaho Home Learning Academy, Oneida School District #351 and all teachers, staff, owners, and partners (Providers) for any injury to person or property sustained by the student or by any person, firm, or corporation employed directly or indirectly by Providers or by any of the individuals participating with him/her, however caused, and any injury to person or property sustained by any person, firm, or corporation, caused by any act, neglect, default, or omission of any person, firm, or corporation directly or indirectly employed by Providers upon or in connection with any part of the program, or any other persons/parties performing services arising out of or in the course of the term of participating in the program.


Policy for withdrawing early or failing to demonstrate active participation:

“I acknowledge that my student is not enrolled in any other Idaho public school (unless otherwise approved) and will stay enrolled as a full-time, home-based, distance education student of Tech Trep Academy’s Partner School throughout the entire school year.”

“I understand that if a student withdraws from the program, learning equipment such as laptops, some core textbooks or other such items may be collected back by the District or Tech Trep Academy, but other educational funding will not be paid back from parents to partners. Parents of a Tech Trep Academy student shall not be responsible for any reimbursement of cost and/or fees imposed or incurred by the District or its Partners if the parent chooses to disenroll or withdraw the student from the Tech Trep Academy program at any time.”

NOTE: Any new computer, Chromebook, or iPad/tablet fully reimbursed with a student’s Supplemental Learning Resources will remain the property of the school’s program for three years. If a student withdraws from the program after year one or year two, the parent will be asked to return the computer, Chromebook, or iPad/tablet or re-pay the depreciated value of the device (the amount will be determined on a case-by-case basis).


Residency must be maintained throughout the entire school year:

Any K-10 grade student in the state of Idaho is eligible to enroll but they must be able to show proof of Idaho residency within the last 90 days. Idaho residency will depend on whether the custodial parent or legal guardian is considered to be a resident of Idaho. If the person is deemed to be a “resident,” then the student will be eligible to participate. Students planning to temporarily leave the state may still enroll as long as residency is maintained. As defined by rule, a domicile, once established, is not lost until all of the following three elements are met:

  1. A specific intent to abandon the former domicile;
  2. The actual physical presence in a new domicile; and
  3. The intent to remain in the new domicile permanently.

All other school district policies can be found here.